Monday, May 23, 2016

Ministry Update, May 2016

Dear Friends,

We surely serve a faithful God, and I pray this finds you abounding in His love and grace, seeking Him. When last I wrote, I was preparing for a trip to Jacksonville, FL where I was privileged to be part of missions conference at my alma mater, Trinity Baptist College/Trinity Baptist Church as well as present our ministry to my good friends at Oak Ridge Baptist Church where I served as youth pastor for four years. That trip was the beginning of a new phase into which God would lead me. The Lord has since led me into the new experience of preaching and presenting our ministry in several faithful churches around my home in Louisiana, and so far, two of them have committed to take me on for monthly support.

Tonight, I’m writing from Chattanooga, TN in one of my favorite places here, Coolidge Park. I’m in Chattanooga for a missionary training seminar with Global Faith Mission Agency in which veteran missionaries are seeking to impart some of the wisdom God has granted them into brand new field laborers as myself. I’m very thankful for the faithfulness of men like Roy Seals, Greg Mann and others to sacrifice their time to teach young missionaries like myself. Please be in prayer that this week will be a profitable time of growth and learning.

As I sit here in the park gazing into the river beneath an almost full moon, I’m reminded that the God who spoke all of this into existence loves us immensely, and He is faithful to lead us in our calling. My prayer is that I will be faithful to follow.

Please pray for me as I continue to learn to balance deputation and a full-time job. Pray that I will be Spirit-filled. Pray the Spirit will lead in my week long trip to Guyana this July. And, pray that God will continue to provide for me as well as many of my friends who are also preparing for the mission field. The great thing about our God being so faithful is we can pray confidently. He surely does hear and answer His little ones.

Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. ~1Thes 5:24
