Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Becoming Homeless for God

     The Lord said to Joshua, "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest" (Joshua 1:9). The people of God had left their comfort zone in Egypt. They wandered in the wilderness for forty years. Now, they were preparing to enter the land which God had promised them so many generations earlier. There would be battles and trials, but God offered strength and peace. He had a plan for His people, and though they were nervous and uncomfortable, He carried them through according to His will, and they possessed the land and the blessings He promised generations earlier.

     Several weeks ago, I was asked to speak at my home church's missions conference. I had been talking for years about becoming a missionary, but things seemed to be at a stand still. Finally, God gave me the push I needed, and in a matter of days, I had a phone interview with my mission agency, had prayer cards designed, created a missions display, and was a featured missionary in a missions conference. Needless to say, I was nervous... no scared... no terrified by this drastic acceleration from 0 to 60 in just a few seconds. In that time, God comforted and challenged me with the book of Joshua. The people of Israel crossed the Jordan, marched around Jericho, battled against Ai, battled against an allegiance of kings, and so much more. God had to discipline them for their sins, but He still kept His promise. He was with them wherever they went. He kept that promise thousands of years ago, and He still keeps it today. He is with me in the comfort of my home, in the familiarity of my job, on the road traveling to other churches, and even in the jungles of Guyana. He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is with me wherever I go.

     Today, I'm sitting in the comfort of my favorite coffee shop reflecting on the events of the last few days and anticipating the possibilities of the coming week. I am scheduled to share my ministry with three churches in Florida in the coming week. This will be the first time I present my ministry outside of my home church, though these churches are familiar to me as I served in them as a Bible college student. Nevertheless, this is the first of what will be many long distance trips to present my ministry, and I am learning the challenges of frequent travel. These are questions that have gone through my mind in the last week: Should I ask to stay at a friend's house? Would I be putting them out? Should I stay at a hotel? Can I afford a hotel? How can I eat healthy on the road? How much should I budget for this, that, and the other? This is truly a humbling experience; it's the closest I've ever been to feeling homeless. 

     Please, don't misunderstand. I'm not complaining at all! Actually, I'm very thankful for this experience, because the more out of control I feel, the more I trust the Lord is in complete control. Earlier this week, I heard an evangelist quote 2 Chronicles 7:14 which reads "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." He then said, "Revival comes from humbling yourself before the Lord." What a true statement! And, here is the paradox of Christianity: when we humble ourselves and submit to His Will, He gives us grace and lifts us up. He gives us of His power to serve Him wherever He places us.

     For whatever reason, God saw fit to call me to preach His Gospel, and He's now leading me to serve in the villages of Guyana. So, here I am at the beginning of this adventure, and this is the first lesson I'm learning as I begin to raise support: I must humble myself before the Lord. I must put my pride away. Don't worry about where I'll stay or where funds will come from. God is in control, and He's with me wherever I go.

     Thank you for reading and sharing this journey with me. Please pray that God will move in the services coming, and that I will learn from the experiences that are sure to come.

          In His Service,