Friday, July 1, 2016

Ministry Update, June 2016

Dear Friends,

I pray this update finds you strong in the Lord, and ever seeking His presence. Thank you so much for your prayers over the previous weeks; our Father certainly is faithful to answer them. When I wrote my last update, I was beginning a week long training seminar at Global Faith Mission Agency. The seminar proved to be a tremendous blessing as several men and women of God with decades of missions experience shared Godly knowledge and wisdom with several of us who are just beginning our adventure. I’m also thankful that God has already given me the opportunity to share what I learned that week with my dear friend who will soon be leaving on a nine month trip to serve and learn in Uganda. I love how the Lord teaches us, so we can teach and help others.

I was grateful, also, to be able to visit my good friend, Pastor Denver Ayres and preach and share the Guyana ministry with the people of New Haven Baptist Church in Oneida, TN. Shortly after returning to LA, I was able to help with VBS and a teen rally at my home church. It’s always a blessing to see children and teens learning about Christ, and I’m thankful to say we saw several souls saved at those events!

I’m excited to travel back to Guyana on July 9th for a week of teaching and preaching with Pastor Greg Mann. I will also be discussing my long term plans and strategy with several nationals during the trip. I have one dilemma, however: I hurt my back very badly last week. I’m currently under the care of a doctor and a physical therapist who believe that with medicine and the right stretches/exercises, I will be well enough in time for the trip. 

Here is how you can pray in the coming weeks. Pray that my back heals in time for the trip. Pray for the Lord to lead as Greg and I teach and preach in Guyana and as I discuss my long term goals. Pray for the Lord to go before us preparing hearts. Pray for the Lord’s provision as I am only 10% funded. Pray for my friend, Elizabeth, as she prepares to serve in Uganda.

Thank you for your faithfulness to pray and give. May you continue to seek His presence and not take one step without Him.

“If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.” ~Exodus 33:15